Articles by Category

  • Planning and Mindset

    The most highly effective homesteaders we know have planned out their goals and dreams, but also know how to stay flexible when things inevitably don’t go according to plan. When you develop this kind of resilience, realizing those dreams is much more likely.

  • Home and Construction

    Very few of us start out with a turn-key homestead. And that’s OK! One of the most satisfying feelings comes when you can admire something you have created with your own hands. You can also have more control and save money by getting familiar with the details of your place.

  • Food and Drink

    Whether or not you grow your own food, there are many ways to create nourishing meals and rejuvenating drinks at home. Cooking from scratch is generally healthier because you can control the ingredients. Preparing foods and drinks at home can also be a huge cost savings.

  • Grow and Tend

    When folks think of homesteading, big gardens right out the back door and barns full of livestock often come to mind. While those things are great, there are many other ways to become engaged in growing and tending to your own food supply with little to no space.

  • Outdoors and Wildlife

    The peace and quiet of living closer to nature can turn to frustration if your wild neighbors come knocking unexpectedly. Learning about wildlife and seasonal patterns can help you avoid conflict and find greater joy in the wilder aspects of your neighborhood.

  • Sew and Craft

    Sewing and crafting items to be used on your homestead can be creative and rewarding. These activities are also great ways to spend the dark, cold winter months. Selling your handicrafts may also be a way to make money to fund other homesteading projects.

  • Homestead Hangouts

    Get a glimpse into our own journey starting a homestead from scratch while living with chronic illness and pain.