(Video) Raised Bed Growing Mix

Watch the video, How to Make Raised Bed Growing Mix, on YouTube.

In this video we take the mystery out of our raised beds growing mix. Julie explains what we use and why; Kevin shows how to put it all together.

What’s Our Mix?

We made our mix from four equal parts of the following ingredients":

  • 1 part garden soil (sand, compost, mulch)

  • 1 part compost (a mix of chicken, cow, and mushroom)

  • 1 part vermiculite

  • 1 part coir

What do you put in your raised beds?

Author: Julie Stonefelt

Julie is co-founder of Wild Homestead Living and has spent 25 years working to help people connect with the natural world. You can follow Julie on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.


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