We make sustainability simple whether you live in the city, country, or somewhere in between.


Get Started Now

Are you ready to live a healthier, more satisfying life, but aren’t sure where to begin?

Knowing where to start can be overwhelming. But it might be a lot easier than you think.

Here’s the good news: There is no one right way to homestead, only the way that’s right for you.

We created this free guide to help you get started living your dream.

bowl of spiced apples with hand putting them into a pie crust

You Belong Here

Gardening, cooking from scratch, baking with sourdough, sewing your own goods, and reducing waste. These are all fun entry points into a more self-sufficient life.

Which one do you choose first? And how do you make it all work together?

In our videos, articles, and tutorials we help you build essential skills for a resilient life.

happy homesteaders Julie and Kevin

We’re Glad You Found Us.

We are Julie and Kevin. We didn’t grow up in homesteading families, but we have spent decades creating a sustainable lifestyle.

We’ve done it while working full time jobs, facing life-threatening illnesses, and living in urban rental units. So we know you can do this too.