(VIDEO) How to Set Up a Worm Bin and Harvest Castings

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Watch How To Set Up a Worm Bin and Harvest Castings on YouTube.

I’ll never forget our first worms. It was an exciting moment we’d been planning for a long time. If you’re on our email list, then you’ve heard the story. That first bin was tiny and lived in the bedroom closet of our rental house in West Seattle.

We’ve tried a variety of bin styles over the years but we keep coming back to a basic design that is easy to make from supplies you can pick up at the hardware store.

In this video Julie gives you a tour of our bin and shows you how we harvest the castings. This is where the magic lies - worm castings grow the very best seedlings. We’ve done some trials and found that seeds grown in with home-grown worm castings added to the soil, have about double the roots. Those plants are stronger overall throughout the growing season, with fewer pest issues and providing more food.

Have you been thinking about adding a worm bin to your homestead? If you already have a worm farm, what are your favorite tips?

Author: Julie Stonefelt

Julie is co-founder of Wild Homestead Living and has spent 25 years working to help people connect with the natural world. You can follow Julie on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.


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